
Showing posts from May, 2018

30 Hour Vocal Labor – Vocal Delivery. Part 2!

Case Study This blog is primarily dedicated to our local Toronto clients. The fact is that, opposed to our international clients, they have an opportunity to come for what we call an Introductory/Exploratory Session before they commit to any courses or treatments in the case of non-surgical voice repair . During that introductory session, they learn a lot about themselves; about where their voice stands right now; what could be done with it and in what period of time. There is definitely, during that session and in a nutshell, speech and singing instruction present - to whichever degree possible. The majority of our clients, understandably, have been getting extremely excited when they hear the instant difference between how they walked into the session, during the session, and especially, by the conclusion of the whole endeavor. It’s all good! -  you, my reader, may exclaim...  It could be, but sometimes it can be compromised. How so? While experiencing the diffe

Way To Go... Voice To Go! Vocal Science™ - Case Studies!

In the recent past, we had finished three non-surgical voice repair courses with people from out-of-town and out-of-country. The first international client, named Alberto ‘Maui’ Mauiztic (a singer/songwriter from Cozumel, Mexico) , came to us for just 20 hours of non-surgical voice repair coupled with the natural herbal treatment. He had severe pain in the throat while speaking and singing due to laryngitis and, nonetheless, vocal cord nodules. Due to the above, needless to say, his vocal cords were inflamed and strained.  - I would like to remind you, my reader, that the protocol for non-surgical voice repair, is a minimum of 30 hours (preferably 40 hours) of our very unique instruction and, of course, precise treatment with the applicable natural herbs and some homeopathic remedies, selected personally for each individual. _____ For greater clarity and in a manner of speaking, these types of courses are equivalent to a rehab (in this case - vocal rehab). A