Vocal Science™: We Will Make Your Bad Voice Days Good And Your Good Voice Days Better!

Transforming lives since 1984 - One Voice at a time! 
Regain your voice!
Enhance the Quality of your voice! 
Claim back the meaning of your life! 
We can help!!

You may feel and definitely sense that you have some kind of a voice issue, but your ENT Specialist declares that there is nothing wrong with you and he can not detect any voice problems from the medical point of view… So naturally, it makes you upset and confused, as you don’t know what to do next...?

Since our motto is that ‘your better voice tomorrow will start with us today’, we can pinpoint any mechanical problem(s) which you may experience with your voice. The fact is that from the physical point of view, everything within your vocal anatomy may seem to be intact. Therefore, you not necessarily can blame your physician or even the ENT doctor, for that matter, for not identifying any apparent problems with your voice.

If that is the case, you should realize that you have been using your voice incorrectly (Speaking and/or singing) and thus, most likely, you had dropped your voice in the lower-throat position.  Also, by using incorrect breathing, you could have dried up your throat flora. 

Singers would probably realize that they have a voice issue a little faster than just regular speaking people. The singers would notice that their range is subsiding and it is much harder for them to reach higher or lower notes and that the quality of their voice had become much poorer. Whereas the speakers might not detect their voice problem soon enough. 

The regular people will only realize that they have acquired a voice problem when their voice becomes raspy and hoarse and they experience difficulty speaking. Also, people with a poor diet (heavy mucus-filled foods and highly acidic foods), may have their voices affected by it. The dry and filthy air (polluted with chemicals like mould, asbestos, etc.,) could affect the upper and lower respiratory functions of the body, and then, respectively, affect one's breathing and, nevertheless, their voice.

And the last (but not the least) cause could be the suppressed emotions. 

That’s where the affected person needs to check their thyroid with a holistic practitioner who is aware that the thyroid (according to the holistic teaching), represents suppressed emotions and lingering hurts. Once the thyroid becomes tight and practically “closes on you”, it is that much harder for the voice to "come out onto the surface freely and easily". 

We at The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, specialize in a holistic approach to voice mechanics.

And where the doctors say “We don’t know”… we say “We do”!

We promise that we will make your bad voice days good and your good voice days better!

How do we deliver that promise…?

By addressing your symptoms and the causes, and by making YOU understand what had happened and why it did...? We also teach you what not to do and what to do in order to avoid future voice problems. We will teach you how to maintain your voice hygiene, strength and its overall health. 

The knowledge equals confidence and confidence means overall success… in whatever you do.... and do upon design!

Regain your voice! 
Reclaim your life! 
Realize your dreams! 
Live life with voice (loud and clear)! 
We can provide you with tools to make it all happen for you! 


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